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H100i mod for msi r9 280x


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my r9 280x got too hot about 80 C , and since I would like to keep my msi for longer I decided water cooling and bought this H100i and with help of some cable ties and time I get it to work with temp of 49 C on GPU load of 99%
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here is my msi r9 280x plus corsair h100i water cooler, at full load 24 hours I get max temp of 47 C , before it climbed very fast to 80 and beyond and then i turned off load to protect card.






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only problem is not seeing h100i usb in system manager, in human interface devices and seen as "usb input device" not as h100i , I am stuck here, when disconnect corsair usb header cable this "usb input device" disappears, connect it it comes back, need to install driver manually but cannot find it anywhere, read post about cable faulty but then it would not see it at all. please help, tnx , use win7-64 and asus z87 mb
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im not sure where the hid device is located but have you tried looking for new devices to manually add it?,,also did you fully delete any prior installs before re installs including the appfolder and doing a full cold boot
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