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H80 - sp120


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Is there any ETA on a fix for controlling fans with the h80?


I've had this thing awhile and I've finally fed up with the damn noise from the fans.


I picked up a set of sp120 thinking it'll lower noise but come to find out they do nothing but run at 100% speed.


After forum trolling a bit I've found topics from 2012-2013 confirming no fix for this


Being how it's 3/2014 I'm HOPING corsair has finally done something about this, so before I go cutting up new fans to splice together so I can run them from my mobo port I figured I'd cry out for help.


Is there a fix or did I just spend $40 for no reason -.-

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I realize this isn't the solution you want but couldn't you run the cooler pump lead to another fan header and run the rad fans off the cpu fan header with a custom fan curve made in bios (or likely with motherboard software). Just a suggestion to get you what you want as I doubt the h80 will have any updates as the h80i has replaced it. Y would u need to cut up the fans ? Just buy a cheap female to dual male fan header adapter. I'm using 1 on my 2 front fans as my fan controller didn't have enough leads.
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