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Assigning "G" keys


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I have a real hatred when it comes to manuals on all these products , the manuals are always vague and never written in layman terms and never enough examples . But I have to admit the instructions for this k30 keyboard I bought is well written . But for some reason I followed the instructions on "Assigning keys "on page 9 and still cant get it to work . All I really want is to assign F1 and F2 to G5 and G6 and I don't care about any thing else. I run flight simulator X (FSX) and F1 brings the throttles to idle and F2 put the engines in reverse . Instead of reaching up to hit F1 or F2 hitting the "G" keys would be more convenient. I followed the screen shots but when I go to windows note pad to test them like the manual says nothing shows up .Am I missing anything here ? Thanks Louis
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How did you ever come up with a name like toasted Ha. I went into programs and features and uninstalled it ,changed the USB port to plug it in, then put the software back in and I know it's the new one cause I had named the profile and called it "Flight Sim and now it says profile 1. How exactly to you save it to K30? cause I really don't know how and the manual says it should say Save to K30 but cant see it any where. And I cant put a check mark in "enable hardware playback still .
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Saving the profile to the K30 is done by clicking the "save to K30" button under the manage profiles tab. If hardware playback is greyed out, i'm also guessing that button would be greyed out as well.


Click the "i" button at the top right hand corner, and post what it says here, also do you have any other kind of gaming software configuration software for other peripherals, e.g. mouse. If you do, temporarily uninstall it and see if the software can detect the keyboard.

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USB Keyboard:

VID: 0x1B1C

PID: 0x1B0A

Manufacturer: Corsair

Product: Corsair K30 Keyboard

Firmware: NA

Windows: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit


I can't even see it grayed out for "save to k30" but I can see it for Hardware playback you have Assign key then you have G6 then a box that you can plug in what you want - when I unplug my Razor Aga mouse - I can still put letters in that box with the mouse being unplugged if that's what you mean .

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