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Ticket#6400255 > start good end bad


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i am trying to find a way to contact Customer Service from Corsair. I open a ticket, then respond in timely manner, approved my ticket and then say UPS will contact me to pick up my default unit.


And this was almost a month ago and I still havent heard from UPS. So I go back to my ticket, add a comment saying I am still waiting, somebody reply and say Customer Service will contact me. Since then nothing.


I post several comments asking them to contact me. nothing.


I go on the live support and a robot or lazy agent reply to me (twice the same agent, and all the time he say hi, then wait 10 min and say are you still there, and then close the chat after 20 min). And I reply in this chat.


So now I am trying to find a number to contact them. I am in Europe but I guess I will glady accept US phone number as well.


Thanks if you can help me guys. Hope I put everything you need in this thread.

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