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Corsair H100i Problem


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Hi there,


I have two problems with my corsair H100i:


1) Since I have updated to Windows 8.1 there is quite often that sound when you connect/deconnect a USB Stick, even if I don't connect/disconnect anything.


So I checked what device causes this problem. In the device manager it's displaying the "Integrated USB Bridge" which seems to be disconnected/connected quite often. This is probably cause by the Corsair H100i, but why? (http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-hardware/uspecified-integrated-usb-bridge/45429b48-afe3-4989-a4e6-89c54936393e)


2) Corsair Link (newest Version) doesn't detect my pump and the two fans connected two it. (I already tried connecting the device on a different USB "plug" on the motherboard..) That way I can't controll the fans speed and I'm risking overheating...


I appreciate any help!


Thank you guys



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I read somewhere else on this forum, someone mentioned they did not have their usb plug all the way in, that when he put it in he thought it stopped and was in, but upon checking further pushed a little more to fully seat it.


May or may not apply in your case, but may be worth checking to be sure.

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I checked mor than once and it's not the case. What I seen though, is that the cable actually might be damaged -.- I already had to return the power supply of corsair, now this...


Thanks for the help.



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