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So I purchased a corsair 250d case, rm750 psu, h100i water cooler, and cooling and lighting kit all around using corsair link to keep this little beast quiet... frustrating when you give a company so much money and get so little back...


Had to install v1 of corsair link to install h100i firmware to get it to work with v2.. dumb.. After a lot of hassles I got the software 'working' in windows 8.1... I've had this for 5 weeks now, here are my issues so far:


1. I have 3 of everything shown, because on some reboots it would redetect stuff (on a different bus?), and add a copy of everything. on subsequent reboots you'd never know which of the 3 would be the valid ones, so I was dragging\dropping and changing things every reboot. luckily this seems to have stopped...


2. 1 out of 4 reboots, my h100i isn't showing any details (pump speed, temp, etc) and I have to reboot for it to show up.


3. .net errors every other day. In order for software to work again I need to restart... In fact I cant close the software and reopen it ever, if I close it I need to restart for it to work again, which brings me to next issue..


4. corsairlink prevents my computer from sleeping or monitors going off. And since I can't just close the software temporarily, I'm shutting down my computer everytime I walk away... frustrating...


5. when corsairlink loads, it loads fullscreen on the wrong monitor, every time. I have to make it smaller, drag to the other monitor, and then full screen. and then of course all the objects are all re-arranged and most off screen, and since there are no scroll bars they disappear forever... to fix this I've had to create a second 'dummy' profile, switch to it and then back again and all is right again...


6. I originally had my leds as purple, but now have them as green through the software. but it's like the setting isn't saved to the lighting node, because if I reboot, they revert to purple until the software loads then go back to green... not a huge deal, just not sure why it's doing this..


7. YAY! 2 fan ports on my cooling node quit working yesterday. And today, a third! so my fans on my h100i aren't spinning, and my idle cpu temp is 85C! this is awesome, thanks corsair!!! it's only 5 weeks old, so I've submitted a support ticket for replacement yesterday, haven't heard anything yet...


I'd feel complete if they finally released a non-beta version of v2 that actually worked, and if they stepped up and replaced my cooling node... Otherwise I guarantee you I'll never be buying another corsair product ever again...

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1. Delete your current profile and create a new one. There are usually only duplicates if the ports of the Commander unit or devices have changed.

2. Is your H100i connected to the Commander unit or via the USB cable?

3. Have you tried reinstalling/installing the latest version of .net Framework 4.5?

5. When you adjust the screen size, try save the profile and see if that helps.

6. This is a known issue. The profile isn't saved to the Commander unit which is why it changes when you load the software.

7. I'd suggest you plug your fans into the H100i as it will automatically change fan speeds according to coolant temp.

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1. I have tried that already, and is why I think this issue is no longer happening, so thats something...


2. It's connected to the commander unit. Due to routing and available USB cables I chose to do this.


3. Not sure how to reinstall .net... neither the installer lets me (just says current or newer version installed), nor is it listed in programs control panel.


4(5). I've tried this. Doesn't work.


6. Then how did the purple get saved in there (and blue on the other LED). Those weren't default colors and had to save somehow...


7. I don't want to do this as I've put on noctua fans and need to adjust their curves differently than the 'automatic' method would. Also people (including myself) have had noise issues from the pump when plugging the fans into the block. AND the whole point of this cooling unit is to be able to control all your fans...

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