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Really dumb and simple question


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So I've got the Corsair CX600M PSU, and I'm looking into buying the NZXT Grid fan controller, but I don't have any extra molex or 4-pin outputs from my PSU. I've been looking for adapters from the modular cables of my PSU that are 6 pin to molex, and all I've been able to find are the one's for graphics cards. My PSU came with a 6 pin to molex, but I can't find a single other one that I think I can use. I might just be an idiot, but will something like this:


do the job?


TL;DR: Will that cable work in a Corsair CX600M as an adapter between 6 pin and molex. If not, where can I find one?


Thanks y'all.

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Just to make sure we're on the same page, I could connect that cable into one of the modular ports on my PSU and it would give power to anything I connect to it? And the same can be said about a splitter?
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