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Corsair when are you moving to magnetic wrist rests?


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I saw today the new K95 Platinum XT is coming out. Like the previous K95 Platinum, the XT is full of nifty features. I love my K95 Platinum. For me Corsair simply is unmatched when it comes to quality keyboards, with one exception...their wrist rests.


For more iterations than I can count, Corsair has used those easily breakable plastic clips. The K90 at least had a screw that helped out but it still screwed into a plastic clip. Simply put the clips break so easily. It is something that I have come to accept and would often buy 1 or 2 extra wrist rests from Corsair because I knew they would break. Unfortunately with the K95 Platinum, Corsair never made the wrist rest a separate purchase. This meant when it broke, and it did three times in 2 years, Corsair couldn't send me a replacement wrist rest. Instead they sent me a brand new keyboard each time!! I'm not going to complain as I got literally a new keyboard but seriously, it seems such a waste.


There are other keyboard manufacturers that have switched to magnets to hold on their wrist rests and while not all are perfect, there are a couple that are amazing. Strong magnets that can hold the wrist rest even if you lift the keyboard off the desk. It really seems like a no brainer to me.


Either way, my guess is with the new K95 Platinum XT, the wrist rest won't be available separately for purchase. Due to that, there really isn't need for me to upgrade, even though I have no wrist rest for my current K95. Yes it broke again and it is out of warranty. It is a true shame because it is simply the best keyboard out there. A perfect keyboard marred by two incredibly frustrating plastic clips. :(

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I don't think they are going to detail their future product release strategies and details in the forum. I think 'please start making magnetic wrist rests and at least make them for sale as am accessory item' will cover it. I imagine there are a lot of people who would be interested in the new wrist rest. I can confirm the new XT one has clips. It does fit in the prior K95 Platinum. No idea if it will be available.
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