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Corsair bad quality! H100i (pics included)


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so i have posted this on the ROG forum to let people know how bad corsair is turning and i will post here too.

i wont use any more corsair products until they keep using the Chinese crap stuff.




Corsair if you want to keep on at this very competitive market, you should get better quality control and better quality building!

I think most of the time when people have problems with this cooler, they blame the pump.

But i think the real problem it's the rubbish corsair puts in their coolers, and that's what makes the cooling plate get clogged and bad performance!


I have been using this water cooler for about a month, and lately i was having very high temps.

my CPU is the FX 8350 and i know these cpu's can produce a lot of heat, but running at 4.6ghz the temps should have been better to start with.

when i installed the h100i my cpu was oced to 4.7ghz, and the temps always seamed to high compared with other similar set-ups, so i ended up buying better fans (noctua nf-f12 and nf-f14) in push/pull but even after that i had very little improvement on temps.

I have tried all the possible set-ups from push only, pull only, push/pull, open case, closed case, more case fans, less case fans, different thermal paste and various applying methods , lapped cpu, but nothing seemed to work!


so a few days ago my cpu temp went up to 70c core running OCCT (large date set) on 4.6ghz at 1.43750v "to be precise", at room temp pf 23c.

so that was the end of line for the H100i on my rig.

I have removed the h100i and installed the stock AMD heatsink for now.


now lets go back to the h100i,

so first thing i have noticed after removal was the noise on the radiator when shaken and that was air, so obviously this is not good in a radiator and shouldn't be there on a 5 year no maintenance item.

After i decided to remove the cooling plate and that's where things started to get bad!


1st problem:

the cooling liquid it's full of debris (some white stuff) pics:






2nd problem:

the cooling plate fins on the interior, are full of that white stuff and completely clogged!

so that must be the major reason for the overheating.






3rd problem:

the cooling plate it's slightly bent.

for the intel chips this may not be a big problem since they have concave heatspreaders and thermal paste can do a better job in that situation.

with AMD chips it's a different history since they have convex heatspreaders and the h100i cooling plate being convex too, the contact area it's smaller and therefore less heat dissipation







Corsair should have a better quality control on their products, they have some good stuff but h100i is not one of them.

as i have purchased this cooler from a not authorised dealer i can not RMA, otherwise i would have asked for my money back and forget about h100i coolers.


another thing,

if for some reason someone removes the cooling plate, don't attempt to remove the circuit board as it will brake the filaments for the water pump and the unit is then useless.

anyway the cooling plate on it's own can be removed safely for cleaning or lapping, but don't know if it will affect warranty.

so no more corsair stuff for me!

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quite frankly i consider those on here as adults and capable of handling opinions regardless if their different,,with that being said i have to really cast doubts on the validity of this particular situation simply because

why would anyone tear up a hydro thats obviously under warranty just to come here and rag on a Corsair product...

theres more than being told i suspect

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quite frankly i consider those on here as adults and capable of handling opinions regardless if their different,,with that being said i have to really cast doubts on the validity of this particular situation simply because

why would anyone tear up a hydro thats obviously under warranty just to come here and rag on a Corsair product...

theres more than being told i suspect


it's explained on the end of my post why i can't RMA the unit, and it's very visible in the cooling plate the white stuff clogging the fins.

i should have taken a picture of my temps!

anyway this is just to show and make corsair and people aware about this problem.

I'm sure must of the people don't know about this because when they have problems with the cooler they just RMA and problem solved.

but in my case i decided to open the cooler and see what is going on.

just my 2p.

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if bought from an ''unauthorized'' place,,how do you know the hydros history or how it was handled?


Don't know how it was handled.

i purchased this from a local classified as a unwanted gift, and it was new and sealed.

Anyway imo that doesn't invalidate the fact that there is a lack of quality.

the bent cooling plate plus poor monting mechanis and the dirty inside the cooler, doesn't imo justify bad handling if it haver happened.


anyway I'll just go for a custom water cooling and forget about the corsair stuff.

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The fins on that water block look pretty clogged to me.


Same here. I naturally assumed we wouldn't be seeing this with all the corrosion inhibitors and that that are available. But there it is, corrosion and deposits inside the block.


I'm shocked - and a little worried now!!:eek:

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Don't know how it was handled.

i purchased this from a local classified as a unwanted gift, and it was new and sealed.

Anyway imo that doesn't invalidate the fact that there is a lack of quality.

the bent cooling plate plus poor monting mechanis and the dirty inside the cooler, doesn't imo justify bad handling if it haver happened.


anyway I'll just go for a custom water cooling and forget about the corsair stuff.


Actually, it very much does invalidate your claims. The reputation of the source of your complaint determines the validity of the claims made upon said merchandise. I could claim that an iPhone that I bought from China was the worst thing i'd ever owned, so that must mean that Apple manufactures poor equipment. The problem with that statement is the assumption that Apple had anything to do with the end-result product that I purchased. In that particular scenario, the chain of ownership could not be validated and thus any conclusions related to the quality of the product in question must be discarded. It's basic scientific principles. In order to prove a point about the quality of Corsair's products, first, purchase from an authorised dealer. Second, document every step of the dismantling process, including pictures. Third, post the resulting observations. If these are followed, the conclusions will hold quite a bit more weight.

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Same here. I naturally assumed we wouldn't be seeing this with all the corrosion inhibitors and that that are available. But there it is, corrosion and deposits inside the block.


I'm shocked - and a little worried now!!:eek:


perhaps but documented questions and concerns are missing such as

was this hydro unmolested?

were the hoses original?

was the fluid original?

even the photo of the warped cooling plate could be mis-leading by sanding only the center area.

sorry much more proof is needed .,unfortunately getting that proof is now not possible...

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I should have made a video then, or maybe a live video.

I'll do next time, well maybe not as no more corsair coolers are going to my rig.


most times those such as yourself in the same type predicament would really rip me for having such a positive opinion of these coolers,so for not doing so i do thank you but in all honesty ive had 3 coolers running for nearly 2 years now without problems so i have to give a good opinion in favor of them.

overall they are a good alternative to custom cooling and very much cheaper.im doing a custom loop in a 540 with over 1k in cooling so a 100 dollar hydro sure sounds as a friend of mine says ''more better''...

i understand how you feel but is there any way you could have got a cooler that had been messed with?/,,as wrapping can easily been done...

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I Agree with Triniton, I'm also had back luck with my New Corsair h80i that I bougth this past December by amazon , also with a CPU AMD FX8320 and Asus Sabertooth 990FX, the pump died, begin to sound clicking, shut down my system and one hoses with the pump was extremely HOT. ( Cooler SONO MORTO !!! )

I RMA this cooler to corsair in California, I Hope they return me something new, if this new Corsair H80i, doesn't works!!...I will try another cooler, like thermalright IB-E , there are several good review about this.

Is a shame that this cooler come with this problems, Is really nice ans easy to install, but I'm seeing several people with similar complains about H80i and H100i, I hope that corsair made some improvements in Quality control from his Hydro Coolers..

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not to sound like a corsair fanboy. but my H100I has been running non stop since last march with no issues so far ( my fingers crossed ). my temps are half of what they were with the crap stock intel cooler boy ain't those a joke. it's quiet you can't even hear it running. anything that you buy today is like taking a crapshoot it could be the best thing that you ever bought or it could be your worst nightmare!! atleast corsair has great customer service and is great about doing RMA'S and over in the states the customer service is in the us and not outsourced!! I only had one problem with corsair and that was the power button on my 800D was messed up. so I called em and 2 days later I got the usb 3.0 upgrade kit LOL I called back and I was like whats with the 3.0 usb upgrade kit I asked the rep then I said I needed the front panel 2 days later I had the front panel
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  • 4 years later...

I opened mine and was all clogged with white bits like granulated salt and black bits from radiator not being flashed properly. Impellers were stuck, cleaned with deionised water flash the rad and refilled put all together.

The liquid Corsair uses is just crap they need something better

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I opened mine and was all clogged with white bits like granulated salt and black bits from radiator not being flashed properly. Impellers were stuck, cleaned with deionised water flash the rad and refilled put all together.

The liquid Corsair uses is just crap they need something better


This thread is over four years old. AIO aren't an item that is going to last forever. Galvanic corrosion will occur at some point and higher heat will aid in the breakdown of the fluid. The copper and aluminum mix wont last for ever, even with an anti corrosive. I had an AIO for a few years and went open loop. The AIO is still working, though I wouldn't be surprised if it gives out soon. Lastly the AIO are not designed to be serviced. If you didn't add any anti corrosive or biocide, it won't last long.

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