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Expanding RGB fans in 680X case


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Greetings, everyone. New user to the forums and to this whole RGB thing. I'm currently building a system around the 680X white case. Doing some reading, it comes with the Lighting Node Pro. This unit seems to have two channels, with one in use going to an RGB/fan hub with six channels.


Now, currently, it comes with four fans, so four channels are in use of the six. I'm adding an H100i Platinum cooler in the upper part of the case (which adds two fans) and then another two fans for the bottom of the case. So that's a total of eight RGB fans, and only six channels available.


How do I expand the electronics to control the additional fans? Do I purchase another RGB hub (SKU: CO-8950020) and plug that into the open 2nd channel of the Lighting Node Pro?





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Hi Brian,


You could try a splitter on the RGB cables from the fans but I think putting >6 on an RGB fan LED hub would draw too much power from the 5v.


It would be best to have 2x RGB fan LED hubs and splitting the fans into 4 on each. That would use up the 2 lighting channels on your node pro...but you could get a splitter for the hubs themselves and that would avoid the power draw problem because each has its own 5v sata connection to the PSU. And then you have 1 lighting channel spare, for LED strips or otherwise.


The splitter is here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Corsair-RGB-Fan-LED-Hub-Splitter-Cable-Corsair-Style-/372640153415 (depending on where you live, you could find similar products in other countries).


The corsair RGB Fan LED hub (if you don't already have a second one) is here: https://www.corsair.com/uk/en/Categories/Products/Custom-Cooling/Accessories/CORSAIR-RGB-Fan-LED-Hub/p/CO-8950020.

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