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H55 cooler fan speed


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Hi folks,


The fan on my Corsair hydro H55 CPU cooler is running at a constant speed, even when the CPU is not busy. Is that normal? I would like to set it to 'automatic' or 'power saving' so that I have less fan noise from the computer, which is quite loud for home office work.


Motherboard Asus Prime H310M-E/BR comes with a fan control feature, but it doesn't seem to work with the H55 fan. No matter what setting I use in 'CPU fan', the fan is running at default speed.


Any help would be much appreciated.

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You should have two control wires in play. The one from the pump head is the pump speed control. It is critical this remains at 100%/PWM, "Full Speed", or any other way your MB refers to a constant 12v signal. The pump is not meant to be adjustable and doing do will come at a large performance and potential longevity cost. This is usually what goes on CPU fan, but it can go anywhere you can create a 100% locked speed.


The fan control wire is separate and that should be a PWM fan on that unit. See which header is in control of the fan. Also be aware on most Asus boards, CPU and OPT are tied together with OPT lacking separate controls. It copies what directions are given to CPU Fan. Therefore for this type of cooler you would not want both pump and fan on CPU/OPT. One or the other would be compromised. One of them needs to go to a CHA fan header and if you only have a few headers to work with, the pump should be on CPU Fan and you can pair the cooler fan off with other case fans on a splitter if needed.

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