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Contsant disk writes (via RegSetValue) by Corsair Link 3.1.5570


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I am seeing constant disk writes from the corsairlink app, which I would like to prevent, as this is my system boot SSD, and I would like to avoid as much unnecessary disk access as possible.


A single example is given here, taken from Process Monitor:


12:41:09.2886243 CorsairLINK.exe 4304 RegSetValue HKCU\Software\Corsair\CorsairLINK\Devices\83990f5d-0abd-c870-81a0-7ecae6d5841f SUCCESS Type: REG_SZ, Length: 388, Data: <~"9JW)!!!!4&P$D%DfT?!+@fC5_OrnJ0H`(R$4I"H%9%CY6tLOU@qAVbE+K.S7o31h"A*KCD`'




So far, I see no options to stop this, other than to uninstall CorsairLink.


I don't know the purpose of the writes, but do not know of any reason that this would usually be required by this kind of software.


Is this something that is in the pipeline to fix / allow users to prevent?


Kind regards,



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I suspect not with CL V3, but you don't need to uninstall CorsairLink. What I do is specify it should not be automatically started and only run it when I need to. This is rarey as I developed my own CL hardware control software.


CL V4 could/should address this issue. We have been told this is in development, but as yet I have not seen the technical specification overview for CL V4.

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Thanks, that is good to know.


Where are the APIs documented to control the corsair components? (I am starting to search for it now... just so you know I am not too lazy ;) )


I only have Corsair Link installed to control the fan speed of the CPU cooling system.





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