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Corsair Node Fans Driver for Linux systems


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Colorsair is a work-in-progress attempt to make user-space driver, API and controller for RGB fans running through Corsair Node. It may also help some people as a reference of the protocol if they want to create something of their own.


I am big fan of Corsair products and most products are well supported by community efforts on non-Windows platforms. To show my appreciation for people who provided us with great drivers for keyboards and mice (namely CKB project), I thought I will donate some of my time to make software for yet another device.


It's not friendly for non-technical users right now (no interface, just C++ API), but it will get there.

You can grab source code here: https://github.com/Chlorek/Colorsair


It is still a prototype and I didn't discover entire protocol yet, but it should support any number of fans connected to socket #1.


Hope some people will find it useful, well I did because continuous rainbow mode is not what I aim for :biggrin:


Feel free to make suggestions as to what kind of interface you would like to see. I am thinking about some command-line level control, or maybe actual GUI or TUI (ncurses), or yet something different?

And if there is some Corsair engineer with right knowledge I would love to know what is default and max framerate for these devices.

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