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Safe to buy an AX860?


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I'm from spain, and soon i was going to buy a new PC Case with better airflow and removable bays and well, most importantly, Cable Management and BLUE LEDS (Is it ok to mention the brand and case or..?)


Anyways, i've been looking for a new PSU to get to upgrade my *brand here* *model here* 700W Modular, wich's reaaaaaally old...+5 years around and it doesn't even has a 80+ Certification and just 56A on 1 or something V12 Rail.


It's been working perfectly without fails, but the new case is "So much bigger" the actual cables would NOT reach certain parts, not to mention they have this "Fish net" around them wich makes them hard to bend and...stuff.


So i've been told by some of my spanish friends this Corsair AX860 with it's 80+PLATINUM 70-72A PSU... Sure, it lookis great for being fully modular and so powerful for future proof of GPUs


Might not go for SLI but the thing is, who knows...


But...I've read some Newegg opinions about this PSU...high Coil noise, "Dead On Arrival" (though i normally buy at a retail shop and not online for components), or even it "Fries PC Components".


That's what it was kinda "Drawing me back" from getting the PSU before buying the Case (Wich comes out on April 23rd around), because i feared that i'd get one of these PSUs and well, fry my PC up.


The thing is....Is it SAFE to buy them without having bad luck getting one of those problems?..Once opened i can't return the product to the shop and i don't want to wait for a "RMA" thing, leaving me without PC for a Long time


Somebody explain me why is this happening,please X_X;


Thanks in advance

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DV2Fox. When I have been researching parts I have been made afraid by similar statements on about any type of part you can think of. It makes you think everything is defective? I have a 1200i, 760i and a 800GS and have never had a problem. Corsair is making great products and a PSU is an area you don't want to scrimp on, because failure can damage other components. I was trying to search for you but everyone has their favorites, me included. I look at the warranties. Companies don't give big warranty times if they don't have confidence in their products. If you have time you might want to look into who actually makes the PSU. most of them are made by other companies and logoed for different companies. enjoy you new build!
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I have the forementioned PSU AX860. Mine has no coil whine and it's been running like a champ for more than a year. I got AX860 as a replacement for AX850 which had high pitch coil whine. You should not EVER be afraid when buying Corsair products. Corsair has top notch customer service compared with any other brand. In my experience, they NEVER EVER replace a failed product with refurbished product. Also, i live close to their RMA center so i always get a same day replacement.

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After some research , a Youtube user told me that if i buy an AX860, i should make sure to see that a Serial Code at the back-bottom left of the box should have it's 4 first digits "Above 1342" , and a shop i know had 1404 in it's label.


This is the photo i've tooked in question:




What do you say?..

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  • Corsair Employee

I say "yes". ;):


The first four digits are a date code. Example: 1404 is the fourth week of 2014.


Seasonic made PSUs, including Corsair's AX units, have had whining issues in the past. Especially coming from the +5VSB circuit. But this was addressed about a year ago, so you should be good to go.

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