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windows 10 uwp app netflix


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It is a "missing feature," there is no broader title matching mode for applications that do not always have the same executable like most of the windows 10 xaml style applications. That said, since we also do not have application integration that would allow us to tell the application, hey, we'd like you to change without me getting over to my buttons to tell the application please switch (which can easily be setup to a button in CUE/iCUE) it would be nice if there was a clean and easy way to do this automatically without having to physically force it.


AutoHotKey can do this for you though if you really care about it, my solution is garbage, but it seems to work provided what you switch to is not attached to an executable itself or CUE will eventually poll and over ride it (which is proper function). You would need a persistent ahk script that sniffs for the netflix application being active. Like the following seemed to work for me:



global toggle=false
loop {
IfWinActive Netflix
	if (!toggle)
		tooltip toggle is on
		SetControlDelay -1
		ControlClick, x123 y751, iCUE
		Sleep 800
		Send ^#{Left}
sleep 400


that is after running this, but your click locations will vary based on your tree on the left:


Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corsair\CORSAIR iCUE Software\iCUE.exe"
Sleep 3000
Send #{Up}
Sleep 500
Click 62,116
Sleep 2000
Click 102,436
Sleep 2000
Send #{Tab}
MouseMove 0,0
Sleep 200
Send +{F10}
Sleep 200
Send {Down}
Sleep 80
Send {Down}
Sleep 80
Send {Right}
Sleep 80
Send {Down}
Sleep 80
Send {Enter}
Sleep 1000
Send {Enter}
Sleep 1000
Send ^#{Left}


This runs your cue, throws it to a new desktop (assumes in this case only one monitor but that is easily fixed) and then keeps it open and shoudl put you back on the first desktop. The top script is a persistent one that just checks periodically if netflix is active and then switches over to cue and clicks a location, that location will vary and need to match your line up and the netflix profile must'n't be bound to an exe. If it is make an unbound copy.


Can't wait for this to be implemented corsair :werd:

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