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Corsair h100i LED problems


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I recently built my first computer and decided to go with the corsair h100i as my choice of cooling. And it works great at keeping my processor at relatively low temperatures while under load as well as idle. However I have one major issue with the product, and that is the software or rather the firmware does not seem to enjoy full shutdowns. Upon a full shut down the h100i starts the led up with the color (127.5, 127.5, 127.5) and proceeds to do what I am assuming is add the actual value I have set to it. Which results in a red led becoming pink.


I have tried numerous times to remedy the situation, from reinstalling corsair link to the firmware. What I really want to know is how I can completely remove corsair link along with the firmware from my computer to try a fresh install of the device on a known working combination. I am currently using the following versions and firmware...


Corsair Link Version: 2.6.5214


Corsair Link USB Dongle Version: 0.9


Corsair Hydro USB Version: (nothing shows up)


Corsair h100i Version: 1.07


Corsair h100i Channel: 1


Corsair h100i Connected Fan(s): 2 of 4


Corsair h100i Available LED Channels: 1


Corsair h100i Connected Pump(s): 1


Corsair h100i Detected Temp Sensors: 1

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