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I couldn't find a post of this but my K70 quite often (mostly with games but overall with everything) malfunctions. I would be playing a game and when it starts to malfunction the key will start to do their own thing. EX.1 i would be playing a game like Rocket League where you have to push keys fast and ill push one direction and it'll go the other way and continue to go the other way even after i stop pushing the keys. Ex2. I would be holding down a button and it'll just stop and i have to tap it multiple times for it to start working again. It happens every 4/5 computer restarts and i have to turn my keyboard into "BIOS" mode for it to not mess up but when i do this i cant use any keys past the control panel.

(Useful info) It also only occurs when i have CUE2 opened up.

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