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Nathan Shepard

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11 Good
  1. Hey guys, what do I need to do exactly to disable the ASUS dll file?
  2. Have you resolved the crashing issue? I too was having the same problem. I never managed to have iCUE version 4.11 running for more than a few seconds before it disappeared from the screen after updating. I don't see this mentioned very often in the megathread so thought I might as well post on a thread with another user having similar issue. I'm not sure if it's related, but I'm running two monitors, one at 4K @120 Hz and the other 1080p @60 Hz. When version 4 started, it extended beyond my 4K screen and straddle to the 1080p screen. Not sure if that has to do with the crashing. I could have tested it by disabling one of the screens and checked if it still crashed, but honestly, I couldn't be assed anymore by the end of an hour of frustration. And if that was the problem, what should I do? Continue using only a single monitor just because of iCUE? I just went back to version 3. By the way @Toggles, have you tried completely uninstalling iCUE before reinstalling? Perhaps that may help? You need to delete a few registry keys as well as some remnant folders. https://help.corsair.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025166712-Perform-a-clean-reinstallation-of-the-Corsair-Utility-Engine-iCUE-?_ga=2.255842689.823663439.1620963867-1691038357.1620963867
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