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10 Good
  1. a paladins champions of the realm profile would be awesome too!. the diamond logo and scheme. https://game-guide.fr/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Paladins-Fond-décran.jpg
  2. Archlinux logo please! https://wiki.installgentoo.com/images/f/f9/Arch-linux-logo.png if possible, with the name https://www.ostechnix.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Arch-linux-logo.png
  3. can you please modify this profile. i cant seem to find how to change it to the colors and options i want, due to the complexity. all i want to do is change it so that when you press a key it is the same color blue when no keys are being pressed. i also want to make it so the delay between "blackout" isnt so long. the original profile is one made by your found below. "Request #150: "I would like to have your corrosive blue as the main lighting of the keyboard with the emp effect happening as a reaction for any keys pressed. Additionally, I would like to have the W,A,S,D keys, numbers 1 thru 6, the space-bar, left shift and left control keys breathe the whole time and not react with the emp effect." Blue emp K65 Blue emp K70 Blue emp K95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------"
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