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CM2X1024-6400 help going to "4-up"


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I've been running my system


Biostar TForce 6100 AM2

Athlon 64 X2 3600+

2GB CM2X1024-6400 (2x 1GB)


I wanted to add 2 more GB RAM (want to upgrade to Win 7 x64) so I ordered another TWIN2X2048-6400.


I notice that my old RAM is 5-5-5-12 and the new RAM is 5-5-5-18.

I can run either set of 2gb but when I add all 4 sticks, the computer won't boot at all.


I know that different memory settings are recommended for 4x sticks of RAM, but I'm not sure what setting to use. I realize 2x 2GB sticks would be better, but my motherboard manual mentions that it cannot accept RAM more than 1GB per slot.


If I need to change RAM settings in the BIOS, can I do that with only 2 GB installed?- as I can't even get to the bios settings with all 4 sticks in.


What should I do?


Thanks in advance

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