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"No device detected" bug when resuming pc or locking pc


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Whenever you lock your screen and unlock it again, or resuming the pc from standby, there a warning that pops up saying that the device is not detected. Even if the CUE program is only in the taskbar and no open in a window.


Also When you lock the screen, the keyboard loses the lighting settings too.


Although, the warning dissapears after a couple of seconds though


I'm using:

Corsair Strafe RGB MX Silent in a USB3 hub in my screen. (only main usb cable connected)

Windows 10

latest CUE and firmware: 1.12.75 and (1.33 firmware / 0.14 bootloader)

z97 pro wifi-ac

i7 4790K

2x GTX 970 SLI

Intel SSD

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Just to add on as it's related - if I move the mouse (Sabre Optical) while the "no device detected" popup is displayed my profile (all buttons remapped) doesn't load properly. Need to remember to not touch anything before it's finished doing whatever it's doing. Surely not intentional, when it happens even manually changing profiles doesn't help, have to put computer to sleep and wake it up again to fix it.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I recently bought a K70 RGB and this immediately struck me as lazy and bizarre behavior. I'm a software developer and this kind of thing drives me crazy.


Just add an option to disable this alert if they don't want to take the time to properly put in some delay on the detection around sleep/wake cycles. There is no need for it to be a pop up window, a change of the tray icon showing the connected state of the device would be fine. Yes it disappears itself once the keyboard has been reinitialized and CUE finally realizes it but it's a sloppy looking error that means nothing in this situation.


Also, if the profile is in the keyboard memory it should automatically boot the keyboard to that profile when the keyboard is powered on regardless of whether CUE is running or not - in other words it should apply your profile from boot up or when using the keyboard with any device even if you're not running CUE.

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Also, if the profile is in the keyboard memory it should automatically boot the keyboard to that profile when the keyboard is powered on regardless of whether CUE is running or not - in other words it should apply your profile from boot up or when using the keyboard with any device even if you're not running CUE.

This should already happen. The moment I turn on my PC and POST initializes my keyboard, it displays the on-board profile.

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Question: when my PC is booting up, my K70 will be pitch black until Windows loads and the CEU program is running. Is that normal for I thought having a profile on the device's memory was meant to use a default profile when the program is off? I too get the same annoying error message of No Detection.
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Everybody's CUE is going to behave the same way. Most people realize Windows needs to reload everything before the computer is fully functional again, and therefore are willing to wait the extra 5 seconds for this to happen. There is no reason to complain about something Windows related to another hardware company.

I do agree, however, with BinaryJay's second paragraph. I've seen his suggestion implemented with other peripheral. There is no reason why Corsair couldn't do the same. This would have the effect of resolving the issue completely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While we're waiting for Corsair to fix this (and Please fix this. There's no reason to show an error message during what is defined as normal usage), I've been using a little AutoHotkey script to dismiss the "No device detected" message after an unlock for my new Christmas present Scimitar.


I created a shortcut to the script in C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup and it does an okay job of dismissing the dialog; it is usually fast enough that you don't even see anything, but at worst the message will flash on the screen for a fraction of a second.


It only closes the first dialog shown by CUE within 10 seconds of unlocking your session, in order to avoid interfering with other parts of the program like update checks, etc.


#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; CloseCUEDialog.ahk
; Auto-close Corsair Utility Engine "No device detected" dialog when unlocking Windows 10

wait_timeout := 10 ; increase this number from 10 (seconds) if the popup appears very slowly on your system

#SingleInstance force

OnExit UnRegister 

Gui +LastFound
hwnd := WinExist()

DllCall("Wtsapi32.dll\WTSRegisterSessionNotification", "uint", hwnd, "uint", 0)
OnMessage(0x02B1, "sessionChange")

sessionChange(wparam, lparam, msg, hwnd)
   global wait_timeout

   if (wparam = 8) ; WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK 0x8
       WinWait MessageDialog ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon ahk_exe CorsairHID.exe, , wait_timeout 
       if !ErrorLevel {
           ; MsgBox, session change, code: %wparam%, dialog was closed.

DllCall("Wtsapi32.dll\WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification", "uint", hwnd)

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